Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Welcome Back!

Hello Chargers!

Welcome to the fourth quarter at Archway Arete!  Due to the shortened week, K-1 P.E. revisited some our past units and learned a new game as well!  Next week we will kick off our basketball unit.

As a reminder, please have your child wear their athletic shoes on P.E. days.  Kindergarten has P.E. on Mondays, one Wednesday a month, and Thursdays.  First grade has P.E. on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Thanks for checking in!

Coach Steinmann

Monday, March 14, 2016

Thank you!

Dear Chargers,

My warmest thank you to all the volunteers who made Athletic Field Day a HUGE success!  Thank you so much for taking time out of your day to participate in our Greek Olympics.  We truly couldn't have done it without you!  

Many thanks,

Coach Steinmann

Friday, March 4, 2016

Team Colors for Athletic Field Day

Greetings Chargers!

Here are the team colors for Athletic Field Day:

KA: Athens & Dark Blue
KB: Crete & Light Blue
KC: Croton & Red
1A: Sparta & Black
1B: Corinth & Green
1C: Argos & Purple

All the best,

Coach Steinmann

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Dairy Day

Greetings Chargers,

Dairy Snack Day is on Thursday, March 10!  Cheese sticks will be donated for all of Archway by the Arizona Dairy Council.  A huge thank you to the Dairy Council and Mr. and Mrs. Boyle for helping to coordinate the donations.  Mr. Boyle serves on the Dairy Council.

Thanks for checking in!

Coach Steinmann

Athletic Field Day

Dear Chargers,

It's hard to believe Athletic Field Day is next Friday, March 11.  Students have been preparing for the BIG day by participating (training) for each event!  Each class is assigned a Greek city-state:

KA: Athens
KB: Crete
KC: Croton

1A: Sparta
1B: Corinth
1C: Argos

We are in need of volunteers for set-up and running the events.  If you are interested please sign up on the following link: https://archwayareteclubs.wufoo.com/forms/morning-athletic-field-day-volunteers-31116/

Thanks for all your support!

Coach Steinmann