Monday, November 23, 2015

K-1 P.E. Happenings

Greetings Chargers!

We just wrapped up our Tossing, Throwing, and Catching Unit.  Students participated in a variety of games that allowed them to demonstrate the skills learned.  A snowstorm game to Archway Arete, where students threw "snowballs" to the opposing team’s side.  The goal was to have the least amount of "snowballs" at the end of the game.  The challenge increased when the game was won by having caught the most "snowballs."  The unit culminated with Dodgeball!  In this activity, students worked together to knock over three cones on the opposing team’s side, all while attempting to dodge the ball.

This week we are working on teamwork through cooperative games with the parachute.  Students used their imagination to become a kitty, mouse, shark, lifeguard, and swimmer.  Ask your child for more details!

Thanks for checking in!

Coach Steinmann