Monday, January 11, 2016

First Healthy Snack Day!

Greetings Chargers!

Archway Arete will be having their first Healthy Fruit Snack Day on Thursday, January 14th. We are asking that on that day all students from Kindergarten to Fifth grade please bring their favorite fruit to enjoy with their classmates during snack time to emphasize Arete as a healthy school.

Thanks for checking in!

Coach Steinmann

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Welcome Back!

Greetings Chargers,

Welcome back!  We are kicking off a new unit this week, Soccer!  Growing up soccer was one of my favorite sports, and I still enjoy playing a pick up game every now and then.  I hope to pass on my enthusiasm for soccer (and all sports, of course) to your child.  In this unit, your child will learn the basic skills and positions as well as get to play one of my favorite games, Crab Soccer!

Thanks for checking in!

Coach Steinmann